The Positive Results Of Just One Massage Therapy Session

I have always put off massage therapy as an option for my workout routine, thinking that it’s just a nice way to relax but that it was not deeply therapeutic in any way. Until that is, I suffered major back pain last month (I won’t bore you with the details of how it happened) and I finally decided to give it a go.
To be honest the decision was not entirely made by me – my spouse practically dragged me to get the treatment, booked the appointment for one session at Dunn Chiropractic Center for Health and Wellness (luckily one slot opened up when needed), and sent me off to get ‘treated’.
I was pleasantly surprised how it turned out; everything looks better (not being in intense pain tends to do that for you) and I do feel better after the session.
Here’s my findings:

The Thing About Massage Therapy

Body Posture Benefits

Slight posture abnormalities can often slip under the radar and are often at the heart of muscle tension and strain in regions such as the back, neck, and hips and are associated with unwelcome muscle spasms. In several cases, posture issues are caused by an injury, or over a long period of time associated with working in a non-ergonomic environment. If you happen to work at a factory or perform any type of manual work, you will most likely encounter problems with your body posture.
Our consultants at Dunn Healthcare will recommend one of the several massage and chiropractic options available to promote realignment for these symptoms, such as the “Myofascial Technique” which primarily focuses on releasing pinch points, also known as the bodies trigger points. Physiological trigger points are areas that can be found within a muscle but cause the pain to be felt in another region of the body. Myofascial technique therapy is a hands-on treatment technique that has been discovered to increase the immune systems Cytotoxic Capacity and increase the production and release of antibodies to boost the immune system function.
When your body is neglected and not in tip-top condition, it’s easy to become more susceptible to other illnesses, so this is something you have to consider when discussing treatment options with your personal consultant/therapist. A skilled therapist will examine your condition and pressure the right points to promote healing.

What happens in a Massage Therapy session?
The treatment starts with an initial discussion to identify the issues you’re currently having; this is where you have to tell the massage therapist the pain you’re having, along with the location and how it affects you and your life.
Since there are different massage therapy services available at the center, we pored through the list while the therapist shows the benefit and goals for each of the services (there’s 11 different services here) and in the end, I chose Thai massage, for a start, as this treatment involves a more vigorous pressure, using knees and feet.
The whole session lasted two hours (including consultation and changing the clothes prepared by for you) and through the session my body was slowly realigned and rebalanced until the aches I felt really did go away.
Was it painful?
No, not painful … just a little bit of discomfort as I had so many issues.
Does it work though?
Yes, thank goodness, it does.
After the session, there’s no pain, strain, and aches to speak of. Instead the whole body feels so rejuvenated and refreshed that I’m motivated from the inside out.
I truly feel that regular massage therapy sessions should be included as part of your self-care routine. Seriously, the changes that I felt lasted a long from just a couple of hours of massage therapy. I cannot wait to see what can be achieved with regular sessions.



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